Snowbird News This Week

Florida Snowbird NewsThere has been some news in Florida regarding our seasonal residents: the snowbirds. This post is roundup of some to the stories on the web this week.

It looks like snowbird season is beginning a little early this year according th NBC news. Generally speaking there is an influx of snowbirds coming in the October time-frame and then again a big influx after the holidays in January. However, just like other migrations, sometimes they come early and sometimes they come late. The weather and the economy affects the snowbird migration. This year the migration is coming a bit early, which is good news for local businesses that cater to our seasonal residents. Snowbirds account for about 1/3rd of Florida residents.

Big election this year. Some government officials are worried about seasonal residents voting twice. We know that you would never to that. These stories always seem to come out before the elections but I have never heard of anyone going to jail for that. Nonetheless, voting twice is a bad idea. You can read more about it in the story below.

There is sometimes a little friction when politician want to help out a a particular group of people. In this case, the Florida politicians want to help out seasonal residents with tax breaks and other perks. Well, in politics there are always winners and losers. If you want to get a small dose of local Florida politics, this is an article that will get you started.