Why Green And Non-Toxic Matter

Environmentally Healthy Cleaning ProductsYou may be wondering what all the fuss is about. Green is certainly a trend in home cleaning and non-toxic is now a selling point for many cleaning products and other home care products. Why? Many of the chemicals used today in cleaning and home care products contain ingredients that are toxic and detrimental to our health.

If you put together all the products used in your home, you might be surprised at how many of them contain toxic chemicals. Each product alone is probably not a concern, but when combined begin to add up to a level of toxicity that may have you concerned. When you start to see how many there are you might want to think about replacing some of them with green non-toxic alternatives. The problem with all these toxic chemicals is exposure over time. It may take many years for the toxins to damage your health and that makes them all the more dangerous. The effects are most of the time unnoticeable.

Chemical Home Invasion

The 20th century was a remarkable century for science, especially for chemistry. Techniques for extracting basic chemicals form natural substances became available and a massive chemical industry developed. Part of that industry was the consumer market in cleaners, cosmetics and food. Chemists began working on chemical formulations for all kinds of products from laundry detergent to food coloring and preservatives.

When these chemicals were introduced in to consumer products they were marketed for their efficiency and quality. Chemicals made everything better. They got the job done better. They tasted better, they smelled better, they cleaned better, they cooked better. If you were around in the 50’s and 60’s you know the whole nationwide marketing push of the new home and the use of products and gadgets to make life easier. Everything was easy and automatic, and stylish and comfortable. In this way chemicals became a part of the fabric of our lives.

Today, somewhere around 1200 chemicals are used in consumer products.

The Lurking Danger

As it turned out, some of the chemicals used in consumer products were discovered to cause illness and disease. The more unfortunate part was that these chemicals were in many household products commonly used. This is still the case today. These chemicals are pervasive and even found in some products that are labeled as being green and safe.

I am not going to go into all the different ways certain chemicals affect our health. But, I will say that exposure to toxic chemicals in the home is a real concern and one of the reasons why there is a movement now to use safer chemicals in the home.For more info read this Forbes article.

How Can You Reduce The Toxic Footprint?

Luck for us, our bodies are fantastic are removing toxins from our bodies. This is an ongoing process that happens all the time. As long as the amount of toxins and the type of toxins in our body are less than the body can remove on a regular basis, we will live long and healthy live. When the toxic load becomes too much, we get sick. It’s as simple as that. Today, we have more toxins in our environment than ever before, so it is more important for us to remove those that we have control over. And we have control over the chemicals that are under the sink in our kitchens and our bathrooms.

Taking steps to reduce the toxic products and replace them with our own green non-toxic mixes or healthy alternative products at the store will improve our health and well-being. We believe that strongly and that is why we are writing about it on our blog.